Becoming a Generous Man
What we're all about
Our mission is to simply bring financial assistance to a child who has a need.
We realize that many needs are best met when financial aid can come quickly.
We desire to see a child's life made better through the kindness and generosity of men.
Whether we are buying a pair of shoes for school, investing in an extracurricular activity, or providing interest-free loans for larger emergency situations, being there for a child in the moment of need is life changing.
So here we are, helping kids and their families while building a network of Generous Men!
Meet the Generous Men
How to Join
Apply to Join.
If you live in Texas and have a desire and the means to be generous to children in need, then we want you to join!
Step 2
Invest $5,000
100% of your investment goes towards supporting children in need in our community, with your approval.
Step 3
Be Generous
The first $2,000 is yours to approve investments towards GMOT aligned opportunities at your own discretion.
Step 4
Get Involved
Your final $3,000 is pooled together into the fund, where you have an equal vote on initiatives that GMOT invests in.
Further information
What kind of member is Generous Men of Texas looking for?
Alongside the ability to donate $5000 annually, we hope to to see our members really enjoy the experience of being a part of GMOT. A member’s interest in helping kids is key to what we are all about. Our desire is to learn together as to how we can be more present as men who have the capacity to change the lives of under-resourced children. We want each member to be open to becoming a more generous man and to enjoy the camaraderie with the other men along with celebrating the success stories of helping the kids. In the simplest of terms we identify the need, discern how we can help and measure the outcome once we have helped.
What are some details of how the member’s donation is distributed?
The $5000 donation is deposited into the GMOT bank account that represents approximately 10 members, which is called a chapter. The donations are made out of the account by the chapter leader upon direction of the members. Each man has full discretion in how to give financial aid to a child, family or organization with the first $2000 of his donation. The financial aid can also be given directly by a member and he can be reimbursed by the GMOT chapter upon proof of contribution. For example a member may see a need and provide the financial aid immediately or request the need be met by a check from the GMOT chapter. The remaining $3000 of a member’s $5000 donation will be dispersed by a majority vote of the chapter. For instance, the chapter could potentially have $30,000 or more per year to be distributed by a majority vote.
What happens with funds that are left over / not invested at the end of the year?
The leftover pool of money voted on gives GMOT an opportunity to make a greater impact on one or more needs. Any undistributed portion of the first $2000 of a member’s donation will be put into the common pool of money after the 1 year anniversary of his $5000 donation. Upon the one year anniversary of a member’s donation, that member will be asked to donate an additional $5000 for the upcoming year in order to continue his membership. Our GMOT website will continue to be a helpful resource for enlisting men and telling the great stories of kids being helped! Storytelling is an important ingredient to our ethos. We have high hopes of enlisting thousands of men into this rhythm of generous living.
Apply to Join